At Hills Podiatry Centre we are privileged to use the Foot Alignment System. We want to acknowledge the inventor Neil Smith, who we have worked with for over 15 years.

We believe that this is the most accurate way of taking a cast. The client is assessed and their stance corrected while bearing their own weight, eliminating the inevitable variations that occur when different orthotic technicians execute a Podiatrist prescription form.

The Foot Alignment System works because of patented rear foot, forefoot and arch alignment curves, which force the three segments of the foot into their corrected position. No two feet are the same, so the shape and force needed on each foot is different. The feet are corrected and aligned in a weight bearing position, thus ensuring the forces and shape of the orthotic are extremely accurate. Not only is the orthotic corrective, it is also very comfortable.


Experiencing foot or leg pain?

Experiencing foot or leg pain?